Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mini Blog for Mini Shoots

So the $25 Mini Shoot deal has been going pretty well.
So far I've done 2, and have 3 more to do still.
Unfortunately they won't be around for much longer so get one while you can.

Here's a couple of un edited photos from the last one.

More pictures to edit from a show in Des Moines.
check out the band
Legit guys! Awesome Music.
Those photos and the rest of the ones above will be up on flickr soon.

Final court date on Monday.
Crossing my fingers that I get through this alright.
Wedding season is coming up, and hopefully I'll be all done with mini-shoots by then.

Gonna be living in Adobe Lightroom pretty soon and not looking forward to endless editing.
Mom made eggs and bacon....

To the guy I met at the bar randomly who reads my blog.....
Whats Up?

After reading this over I realize that I'm kinda all over the place with this one.
Pretty much get a mini shoot before it's too late.....
and I hate editing photos.

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